Child written records and scientific literacy

Focus on inquiry based science teaching




Elementary School Cycle I, Scientific literacy, Inquiry based Science teaching, Written culture


Inquiry Based Science Teaching in the early years of schooling contributes to the development of the Scientific Literacy process. In the exhibition of part of research results, the collaborating children and teachers on stage are located in a public school of medium-sized city, in the West region of São Paulo. This is a third year Elementary School group that, in cooperative action, participated in activities resulting from the organization of an Investigative Teaching Sequence entitled “Photosynthesis and Food Chain”. In it, in the immersion of the culture produced by humanity, written and scientific language activities intertwine and contribute to the formation of children's intelligence and personality, highlighting how this teaching practice involving problem solving, hypothesis raising and discussions brings positive impacts to the production of authorial texts, in which the child, when recording what he thinks and learned in class, expands his desire to express himself in his project of saying, and appropriates specifically human abilities related to writing and science. Thus, investigative activities may be a possible way to enhance the literacy process, as well as the student's involvement with the scientific culture.


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Author Biographies

Tatiana Schneider Vieira de Moraes, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Marília – SP – Brasil

Professora Assistente. Departamento de Didática. Doutorado em Educação.

Cyntia Graziella Guizelim Simões Girotto, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Marília – SP – Brasil

Professora Livre Docente. Departamento de Didática. Livre-docente em Leitura e Escrita (UNESP).

Bárbara Cortella Pereira de Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso (UFTM), Cuiabá – MT – Brasil

Professora Adjunta. Departamento de Ensino e Organização Escolar do Instituto de Educação. Doutorado em Educação.


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How to Cite

MORAES, T. . S. . V. de; GIROTTO, C. . G. . G. S.; OLIVEIRA, B. . C. . P. de. Child written records and scientific literacy: Focus on inquiry based science teaching. Nuances: estudos sobre Educação, Presidente Prudente, v. 33, n. 00, p. e022018, 2022. DOI: 10.32930/nuances.v33i00.9496. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.



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