Theoretical approaches to the study of the problem of self-development of future specialists




Self-realization, Professional self-development, Future specialists


The problem of a person's creative self-realization, in the context of professional self-development, becomes more and more urgent every year, due to which the study of the concept of self-development, professional self-development is given great importance at the present time. This topic is represented by a wide range of multi-vector research, both fundamental and applied. Fundamental research is aimed at revealing the theoretical provisions and features of the process of professional self-development, at the same time, applied provisions provide specific practical tools that help a person realize their inner potential. In this regard, the problem of professional self-development is actualized, which manifests itself, on the one hand, in the integration of the individual into the system of professional relations, and on the other hand, in the implementation of professional functions, the formation of an individual professional style, and the search for ways of professional growth.


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Author Biographies

Konstantin Pisarevskiy, Russian International Academy of Tourism (RIAT), Khimki – Russia

Senior Lecturer

Valentina Kalney, Russian International Academy of Tourism (RIAT), Khimki – Russia


Sergey Shishov, Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K.G Razumovsky, Moscow – Russia



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How to Cite

PISAREVSKIY, K.; KALNEY, V.; SHISHOV, S. Theoretical approaches to the study of the problem of self-development of future specialists. Nuances: estudos sobre Educação, Presidente Prudente, v. 33, n. 00, p. e022007, 2022. DOI: 10.32930/nuances.v33i00.9485. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.



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