International organizations and land governance: the role of FAO and the World Bank in reformulating the Public Policy for Land Regularization in Piauí / Organizações internacionais e governança da terra: o papel da FAO e do Banco Mundial na reformulação da Política Pública de Regularização Fundiária do Piauí / Organismos internacionales y gobernanza de la tierra: el papel de la FAO y el Banco Mundial en la reformulación de la Política Pública de Regularización de Tierras en Piauí




Market agrarian reform, Voluntary Guidelines on Land Governance, Land grabbing


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Bank have contributed to resolving a land conflict in the state of Piauí. The state is attractive for land investments due to its natural characteristics and the government's promotion of production in the region through the MATOPIBA program. However, this has resulted in negative social impacts and conflicts over land. In 2017, transactions involving rural properties were blocked, leading to a stalemate that was resolved with the approval of the innovative State Law 7.294/2019, which employed the United Nations Voluntary Guidelines on Land Governance (DGVT) to resolve the land conflict. The article aims to examine how international organizations contributed to the resolution of the conflict and to the reformulation of Piauí's land policy. The study employed an exploratory case study approach, involving interviews, documentary research and media analysis, and analyzed the data in accordance with theoretical studies on the influence of international organizations on public policy. 


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How to Cite

da Silva Jr., C., Lima, T., & Gonçalves, P. T. C. (2024). International organizations and land governance: the role of FAO and the World Bank in reformulating the Public Policy for Land Regularization in Piauí / Organizações internacionais e governança da terra: o papel da FAO e do Banco Mundial na reformulação da Política Pública de Regularização Fundiária do Piauí / Organismos internacionales y gobernanza de la tierra: el papel de la FAO y el Banco Mundial en la reformulación de la Política Pública de Regularización de Tierras en Piauí . REVISTA NERA, 27(4).

