As lutas do povo Guarani-Kaiowá analisadas pelas geografias das diferenças / The struggles of the Guarani-Kaiowá people analyzed through the geographies of differences / Las luchas del pueblo Guarani-Kaiowá analizadas a través de las geografías de las diferencias




Guarani-Kaiowá, Espaço, Diferença, Indiferença , Mis-diferença


This is a book that deals with the territorial issue, essential to understanding the spatial disputes of different relationships and groups. The book is the result of a series of research projects, field trips, events and interviews. It is organized into two parts. In the first, the author presents the concepts of difference, indifference and mis-difference, contributing with a Critical Geography to the analysis of the struggles of the Guarani-Kaiowa people. In the second part, he dedicates himself to the interpretation of the resistance of the Guarani-Kaiowa people against indifference and mis-difference through the actions of the “retomada”. Ioris analyzes how concepts are manipulated by capitalism to promote the territorialization of the capitalist mode of production, producing commodities and inequalities. The reoccupation creates the tekoha that produces indigeneity/territoriality as ancestral and future territory, it is where one is, strengthening decolonization and expanding the struggles against indifference and mis-difference.

Keywords: Guarani-Kaiowa, space, difference, indifference, mis-difference


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How to Cite

Fernandes, B. M. (2025). As lutas do povo Guarani-Kaiowá analisadas pelas geografias das diferenças / The struggles of the Guarani-Kaiowá people analyzed through the geographies of differences / Las luchas del pueblo Guarani-Kaiowá analizadas a través de las geografías de las diferencias. REVISTA NERA, 28(1).

