International organizations and land governance: the role of FAO and the World Bank in reformulating the Public Policy for Land Regularization in Piauí / Organizações internacionais e governança da terra: o papel da FAO e do Banco Mundial na reformulação da Política Pública de Regularização Fundiária do Piauí / Organismos internacionales y gobernanza de la tierra: el papel de la FAO y el Banco Mundial en la reformulación de la Política Pública de Regularización de Tierras en Piauí
Market agrarian reform, Voluntary Guidelines on Land Governance, Land grabbingResumo
The state of Piauí is on the MATOPIBA agricultural frontier, made official by federal decree 8447/2015, and is a hub for attracting investment. To support the initiative, in 2015 the Piauí state government passed Law No. 6709/2015 for land regularization and in 2016 a loan from the World Bank (WB). However, several problems related to land grabbing deepened, leading to the blocking of rural property transactions in 2017. The situation was overcome with the approval of State Law 7.294/2019, supported by the United Nations Voluntary Guidelines on Land Governance (VGGT). This article aims to analyze the role of International Organizations (IOs) in the land conflict in Piauí, particularly in changing the state's land policy. Interviews, documents, relevant legislation and media reports were used as sources of data and analyzed in light of the literature on the role of IOs in public policy. The research demonstrates the contribution of IOs together with civil society organizations, the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office and the government of the state of Piauí in resolving the impasse and changing land policy.
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