Pedagogical design
Methodological resource improving the quality of university education
Strategy, Management, Prevention, Interaction of traditional and online learning, TechnologyAbstract
The article reveals the possibilities of pedagogical design as an important methodological resource for implementing the strategy for improving the quality of training future specialists for the chosen profession. Based on the analysis of the scientific achievements of domestic and foreign authors, the essence, content, structure, ways of implementing pedagogical design are concretized, which has a positive effect on the effectiveness of training future specialists for professional activity. The practical significance of it in updating the content, forms, methods, means of training students, ensuring the quality of higher education, is substantiated. Pedagogical design is represented by a model of specific pedagogical actions to achieve the planned result of the educational process, predicting the decision-making process to optimize teaching methods and tools in order to achieve planned changes in knowledge, skills and abilities, taking into account the specifics of the content of training future specialists for professional activity.
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