About the Journal



Formação Online Magazine is a Journal with scientific refereeing committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethics and good publishing practices. Thus, this journal is devoted to take all the necessary measures to validate this declaration and advises their own publishers, referees (members of the Scientific Council and referees ad hoc) and authors to observe their own behaviour, which shall be subject to the principles of transparency and Scientific best practices of the Committee of Publication Ethics. 


Editor’s Note

Decisions regarding the publication: The editors shall ensure that all articles consider within scope for publication will be sent to specialists in the field for deep evaluation. The Editor-in-Chief decides which of the submitted papers will be actually published in the magazine, based on the validity of the work in question, given its relevance to researchers and readers on the referees’ comments, and meet all the legal requirements in relation to insult and defamation, copyright infringement and plagiarism. The Editor-in-Chief may consult other editors and evaluators before reaching a decision.

Equality and editorial independence: The team of authors and editors will access articles based on academic merit, exclusively (importance, originality, validity of the study, clarity) and its relevance within the scope of the Journal, without distinctions associated with race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, citizenship, religious belief, political philosophy or institutional connections of the authors.


Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: Editors may not use unpublished information on their submitted material to do their own research and analysis without prior written permission of the authors. Together, the associated editors and the editorial board would refrain from assessing submissions on which they have conflicts of interest resulting from academic competition, collaboration, or any other connections with any of the authors, enterprises or institution involved.

Duties of Reviewers (referees)

Confidentiality: Reviewers must keep all submissions confidential. The ongoing process of revision is private and must be treated as such.

Font Recognition: Reviewers should note relevant published papers, which were not mentioned by the authors. Publishers must also notify the editors of any fundamental similarity or overlaps between the article and any other published paper of which they may be aware.

Objectivity standards: Such revisions should be objectively held and the observations must be clearly defined. Personal criticisms made to the authors are inadequate.

Conflicts of Interest: Any selected guest reviewer that has conflict of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative or other levels of relationships with any of the authors, enterprises or institutions related to the article and to the type of work described in it, shall immediately notify the editors.

Readness: If any selected guest reviewer feels relatively unskilled in order to fully evaluate a scientific research reported on an article, or is unable to carry out such an assessment in the established time, the reviewers must notify the editors immediately and decline the invitation to enable another guest to be contacted.

Duties of Authors

Publication Guidelines: Authors should also follow the editorial guidelines of the journal.

Originality and Plagiarism: Authors should make every effort to ensure that their submitted papers are entirely original, and, if they have used the work and/ or words of others, this should be properly quoted and referred. There are many ways of plagiarism: by assuming the authorship of the works of others, by copying or paraphrasing substantial parts of another author's text (without any quotation), or by claiming results from research conducted by others. Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical editorial behaviour and is unacceptable.

Submissions or multiple, duplicate, redundant or concomitant publications: Authors should certify that the article is not currently being considered for publication by another journal. Duplicate submission of a scientific manuscript constitutes unethical publication behaviour.

Academic Authorship: All writers cited in the article must have had contributed significantly to the research, so they must be able to take public responsibility for the content. The corresponding author must ensure that the other co-authors are included in the list of authors and assure that all authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript, and have agreed with its submission for publication.

Conflicts of Interest: Authors must notify, as quickly as possible, the editors of any conflicts of interest that may influence the manuscript's approval. Examples of potential conflicts of interest include cash-flow activities such as professional fees, fellowships or any other financial support, affiliations, employment, consultancies, ownership of shares or other equity interests, and patent applications and licence agreements; as well as relationships without financial benefits, such as personal or professional relationships, affiliations, prior knowledge or beliefs related to the subject or to the materials discussed in the text. All sources of financial support for the work must be disclosed (including concession agreements or other reference number, if any).


Fundamental errors in published work: Should the authors discover errors or inaccuracies of their published work, it is mandatory to immediately notify the publishers of the journal and to cooperate with them to enable a successful correction of the it in an erratum or unpublished it. If publishers know, via third parties, of a published work contains an error or inaccuracy, since the duty to amend defects or request immediate depublization, or provide evidence to the editors ensuring that the article is accurate.